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Rady Children's Specialists

Continence Center / 2-B-Dry Program

Southern California’s premier pediatric program

To make an appointment, call 858-966-5999.

Available at Rady Children’s Main Campus location (7920 Frost Street, Suite 200) and in Oceanside. Opening at Murrieta Medical Plaza in July 2018.

No matter when it occurs (day or night), incontinence can cause great distress for both the parent and child. When it becomes a frequent occurrence, many parents think that something may be physically or psychologically wrong with their child, fear that their child will be teased or ridiculed and are concerned about their child’s self-esteem.

Children may feel anxious and embarrassed, causing them to miss school and avoid other activities with peers, such as sleepovers. Parents, having to continuously deal with the incontinence, may miss work or social engagements.

Persistent nighttime bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is the most common issue of bladder control in childhood. The family can take comfort in the fact that the problem is common and children generally outgrow it. In the meantime, though, the agony continues. Frequent wetting can also damage the urinary tract.

The 2-B-Dry Program

We have established the 2-B-Dry Program, or Continence Clinic, to help children learn healthy voiding habits, achieve greater continence and prevent urinary infections and other problems associated with incontinence. Our urologists and nurse practitioners are experienced in determining if there is a physical cause for the wetting and work to prescribe a unique treatment plan tailored for each child.

The 2-B-Dry Program, under the direction of Leslie Hsieh, M.D., is:

six years old child sleeping in bed on pillow with alarm clock and a teddy bear
  • Based on the latest research and treatment modalities.
  • Designed to support each child’s specific needs in achieving dryness and better urologic health.
  • Proven to help many children achieve dryness.
  • Effective in facilitating optimal surgical outcomes.
  • Proven to restore self-esteem lost as a result of wetting problems.
  • Collaborative with patients’ primary care providers to best assist each child in achieving dryness.

What We Treat

What We Do

Diagnostic tests, such as:

  • Urinalysis
  • Ultrasound
  • X-rays of the abdomen and pelvis
  • Uroflowmetry – a non-invasive test used to measure pattern and quality of urine flow with a special toilet
  • EMG uroflow – sensors are placed around the perineum (the area between the anus and the vagina or penis) to measure the activity of the muscles and nerves extending over the pelvis during urination
  • Urodynamic studies – uses special tubes (called catheters) in the rectum and bladder to measure bladder pressure while filling with and emptying urine

Therapies, such as:

  • Behavioral urotherapy
  • Bowel program for constipation
  • Biofeedback training – non-invasive therapy that uses a computer program resembling a video game, allowing proper coordination of their muscles used in urination
  • Posterior tibial nerve stimulation – utilizing a TENS unit at the ankle to help with neuromodulation of the bladder and pelvic floor musculature

Having Your Child Evaluated

To have your child evaluated for incontinence, please:

  1. Obtain a referral.  Most insurance plans will require your child’s primary care provider or pediatrician make a referral to our clinic.
  2. Have imaging studies ordered. Imaging studies need to be ordered by your child’s primary care provider for:
    • Day wetting or bedwetting (Abdominal X-ray; Renal and bladder ultrasound)
    • Kidney or urinary tract infection (Renal and bladder ultrasound; VCUG with contrast)
  3. Have imaging studies completed.
    • Rady Children’s outpatient radiology staff routinely and proficiently performs these studies. Results are immediately available to our medical providers to view in our clinic.
    • If you prefer, imaging studies can be done elsewhere. However, the guardian will need to obtain and bring copies of the films to our clinic on the day of the initial evaluation.
  4. Schedule an appointment through Central Scheduling at 858-966-5999.
  5. Arrive at the clinic 20 minutes before your child’s scheduled appointment so insurance needs and paperwork can be completed.

If your child has urgent medical needs, please have your primary care provider contact us. We look forward to helping your child “2-B-Dry.”