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Rady Children's Specialists

Research and Clinical Trials

The Division focuses on outcomes research for innovative surgical procedures, clinical trials of novel treatments, and other research to better understand and improve treatments of urological and genital disorders.

Current research activities of our team members are listed below:

Madhu Alagiri, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Dr. Alagiri’s research focuses on diagnosing vesicoureteral reflux in potty-trained children using nuclear medicine scans instead of catheter-based studies. His hope is to detect urological disorders using less-invasive methods.

George Chiang, M.D.

Dr. Chiang is the principal investigator for three clinical trials at various phases involving novel medications for patients with neurogenic bladder. He is also pursuing research to evaluate advanced use of single-incision (“scarless”) techniques for a variety of pediatric urological conditions.

Additionally, he is investigating obesity issues facing the child and adolescent spina bifida population in San Diego, which is predominantly Hispanic, as well as outcomes of patients with spinal abnormalities with regard to stone disease or complex reconstructions.

Team members are also collaborating with the laboratory of Rob Knight, Ph.D., (UC San Diego) to investigate the role of the microbiome in vesicoureteral reflux.