Important Update Regarding Immigration Enforcement Executive Orders | Actualización Importante sobre las Órdenes Ejecutivas de Aplicación de Inmigración — Read More

Providing a Safe Environment

Outpatient Visitor Guidelines

  • All patients and accompanying visitors must wear a facial covering on our campus at all times.
  • To help decrease distractions and allow the caregiver to focus on the appointment, please limit the number of siblings and family members accompanying the patient.
  • If you have any questions about who can accompany the patient to their appointment, please contact the clinic directly.

Keeping You Safe During Your Clinic Visit

For the latest information for parents on COVID-19, please click here.

We promise to do our best to keep your child safe by:

  • Washing our hands before touching your child.
  • Checking your child’s identification throughout your visit and before providing medications or delivering therapy.
  • Respecting your child’s privacy needs.
  • Reviewing your home medication list and providing education on any new medications we prescribe.
  • Teaching you how to care for your child when you are at home.
  • Partnering with you to maintain your child’s safety by asking that you stay with your child when we perform physical exams or provide treatment.

Maintaining Privacy and Appropriate Relationships

  • Rady Children’s staff members are trained to respect the privacy and confidentiality of our patients by not discussing medical and family issues with other patients and families. We ask that you also respect the privacy of other patients and their families. 
  • We will only take a picture of your child with your consent and with you or a second staff member present, using authorized cameras or personal devices owned or approved by Rady Children’s, and only for identification purposes or to document care/treatment.
  • Please respect other patients’ privacy and DO NOT take pictures of staff or other patients during your appointment.
  • We will never share information about your child on social media without your consent, so while we’d love for you to “like” the official Rady Children’s Facebook page and follow us on Twitter, we hope you understand that our policies prevent employees from friending you on Facebook or following you through other social media networks.

Caregiver/Visitor Responsibilities

  • To avoid accompanying your child to their appointment if you are sick or not feeling well.
  • To follow Rady Children’s policies for wearing a face mask correctly at all times, washing your hands and following isolation procedures.
  • To be considerate of other patients, visitors and staff of the Hospital.
  • To not leave your child unsupervised while on our campus.
  • To avoid using cell phones in areas where they are prohibited.
  • To refrain from using cell phone photography, video/audio recording of staff or other patients/families.
  • To refrain from bringing the following items onto Hospital property: alcohol, illicit drugs, weapons (including knives) and pets.
  • Rady Children’s is a non-smoking facility, smoking is strictly forbidden on campus.
  • To not enter restricted areas without permission or escort from Hospital staff.