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Rady Children's Specialists

Acupuncture and Acupressure

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Rady Children’s includes several different therapies, the most popular and powerful being the stimulation of acu-points on the body. Often done with fine hair-like needles, acu-points points can be treated with finger pressure, skilled-hand movements (called tuina) and small magnets or an electrical pulse of the “tickle machine.” Our licensed acupuncturists (LAc’s) and senior interns from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine also employ Qi Gong and Tai Chi Chuan, two very gentle, yet potent, forms of exercise and breathing. TCM makes use of herbal medicine, nutritional modification and uncommon forms of massage called cupping and gua sha.

In addition to pain relief, TCM has proven useful in managing cancer-related symptoms and reducing side effects induced by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The most common of these include poor appetite, insomnia, depression, anxiety, weight loss, digestive upset, diarrhea, constipation, and headaches.