The Pediatric team provides 24-hour emergency pediatric critical care transports and consultation services for more than 1,000 children every year. We transport children from birth to age 18 or older from hospitals, clinics and physician offices throughout the region.
To Contact Us for a Transport: Call 858-277-3404.
When We’re Available:
- Our Transport program is standing by 24 hours a day, 365 days a week. Calls are prioritized by acuity.
Areas of Coverage:
- San Diego City
- San Diego County
- Imperial County
- Riverside County
- All other areas by request
Diagnosis Categories:
- Respiratory 39%
- Neurologic 21%
- Sepsis/Fever/GI 8%
- Trauma 11%
- Ingestions 4%
- Cardiac 4%
- Foreign Body Aspiration 2%
- Near Drowning 1%
- Misc Other 10%
Performance Improvement:
Bi-monthly CHET M&M (First Friday of even months 7:30-8:30 a.m.)
Personnel Eligibility:
- Must have a minimum of five years of PICU experience
- R.N.s and RCPs must be PALS, ACLS, and C/NPT certified
- Agrees to all modes of Transport (helicopter, fixed-wing airplane and ground)
- Schedule flexibility required
- Agrees to accept shared responsibility for ALS/CHET program success
(Team philosophy is to work together to provide ALS coverage 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
Registered Nurses:
- Must be experienced Critical Care practitioners (minimum five years PICU experience)
- Must have TNCC (Trauma Nurse Core Course – National Emergency Nurse Association Certification)
Respiratory Care Practitioners:
- Must be experienced Critical Care practitioners (minimum five years PICU experience)
- Trauma certified
- Must have NRP
- Application
- Interview Panel
- ALS Team and PICU Medical Team (Attendings, Fellows, PNPs) written evaluation of the following: Clinical Skills, Leadership skills, Professionalism, Self-development and Teamwork
- All ALS R.N.s and RTs must successfully complete the same training program.
- 48 hours didactic training with final written and performance exams (minimum scores required for written exam; must pass performance evaluation)
- Clinical Training – by PCCNPs and Senior Fellows on Transport
ALL Team members must exhibit clinical competency during orientation and on semi-annual basis with the following skills:
- Endotracheal Intubation
- X-ray Interpretation
- R.N.s must obtain and document History and Physical
- RCPs must complete and document complete physical patient assessment, including VS and on-going reassessment
- Extensive knowledge of all CHET medications
- Needle Thoracentesis
- External Jugular Vein cannulation
- Intraosseous needle insertion
- Peripheral IV insertion expert
- Defibrillation
- Extensive knowledge of all CHET equipment
- Helicopter (Mercy Air) Safety check and competency (annual)
- Fixed wing (Mercy Air) Safety Checks (annual)
- Ground Ambulance safety (annual)
Co-Medical Director: Raveen Raviendran, M.D.
Co-Medical Director: Raveen Raviendran, M.D.
Manager: Shelby Standefer, B.S.R.T., R.R.T., N.P.S., C-NPT