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Faculty Research

Heart Institute Cardiologists

Harjot Bassi, M.D.

Dr. Bassi’s current research projects include looking at the safety and efficacy of methylene blue in the pediatric cardiac patient population.

Christopher Davis, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Davis’ research interests include studying exercise physiology of patients with congenital heart disease, athlete’s heart and diseases that cause sudden cardiac death in the young.

Tommy Do, M.D., M.S.

Dr. Do has a special interest in outcomes research for patients in the CVICU in addition to looking at markers to predict liver dysfunction in single ventricle patients post Fontan palliation.

Kirsten Dummer, M.D.

Dr. Dummer’s interests include prenatal detection and management of fetal heart disease, identifying risk factors and predictors of outcome, and early diagnosis of fetal heart dysfunction in twin to twin transfusion syndrome.

Howaida El-Said, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. El-Said’s research interest include 3-D angiography to facility catheterization procedures,  modifying stents to suit growing children, percutaneous valve development, innovative interventional techniques to avoid surgery, adult congenital Fontan patients and bioengineering of special wires to facilitate cath procedures.

Brian Fagan, M.D.

Dr. Fagan’s research includes investigation of Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve.

Ian (Fraser) Golding, M.D.

Dr. Golding’s interests include prenatal detection, management and outcomes of fetal cardiac conditions, and the follow-up of infants and children with simple and complex congenital heart disease. He has organized several basic and advanced courses in fetal and pediatric echocardiography and pediatric cardiology. Dr. Golding also has an interest in medical informatics, having worked with vendors to develop various components of a pediatric cardiovascular information system and imaging reporting systems for both pediatric and fetal cardiology.

Paul Grossfeld, M.D.

Dr. Grossfeld’s research is focused on understanding the genetic basis of congenital heart disease. His primary interest is Jacobsen syndrome, a rare chromosomal disorder caused by the deletions in chromosome 11. Dr. Grossfeld has determined that loss of the ETS-1 gene causes hypoplastic left heart syndrome and other congenital heart defects in Jacobsen syndrome.

Aamisha Gupta, M.D.

Dr. Gupta’s research interests include optimization of cardiac care in the inpatient setting. She is involved in quality improvement and the development of systems to promote a team-based approach with family-centered care and improve hospital quality of care.

Jessica Haley, M.D.

Dr. Haley’s clinical and research interests include preventive cardiology with special focus on dyslipidemia and hypertension, as well as cardiopulmonary exercise stress testing.

Sanjeet Hegde, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Hegde’s research interests include in-vitro measurement of the safety of devices for interventional MRI, development of catheters and in-vitro testing of their suitability for interventional MRI, device implantation under XMR, catheter tracking under MRI, image guidance of cardiac interventions, 3-D printing, virtual reality and computational modeling of complex congenital heart disease.

Rachel McCandless, M.D.

Dr. McCandless has a special interest in fetal cardiology.

John W. Moore, M.D., M.P.H.

Dr. Moore’s major clinical and research focus is congenital and structural interventional cardiology.

Dana Mueller, M.D.

Dr. Mueller’s research interests include looking at outcome measures and identifying areas of potential intervention in the cardiac intensive care unit, with the goal of improving the future care of patients with critical cardiac disease.

Hari Narayan, M.D.

Dr. Narayan’s research is focused on the cardiotoxic effects of cancer therapies. He is interested in characterizing the natural history and risk factors for the development of cardiomyopathy after cancer therapy and determining the optimal diagnostic and management strategies for this disease.

James Perry, M.D.

Dr. Perry is interested in clinical and translational research projects on antiarrhythmic drugs, catheter ablation, adult congenital heart arrhythmias, computational modeling of congenital heart disease, innovative device designs, bioengineering and electrophysiology, cardiac genomics and channelopathies. 

Beth Printz, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Printz specializes in using echocardiography and cardiac MRI to better understand congenital heart disease in children and adults. She is particularly interested in non-invasive imaging of children with Kawasaki disease and connective tissue disorders, and also collaborates with engineers investigating computational modeling of complex congenital heart disease.

Aparna Rao, M.D.

Dr. Rao’s clinical and research interests are in caring for children who have congenital heart disease with pulmonary and airway pathologies.

Rohit Rao, M.D, M.B.A.

Dr. Rao’s research interests include application and innovation of micro-circulatory non-invasive monitoring for children with critical illness.

Serena Sah, M.D.

Dr. Sah’s clinical and research interests include the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease, echocardiography and three-dimensional echocardiography.

Jose Sepulveda, M.D.

Dr. Silva Sepulveda has clinical and research interests in the diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease, transitional care, and adult congenital heart disease. He is involved in mentoring and teaching medical students, residents and fellows in congenital cardiology.

Jesse Stringer, M.D.

Dr. Stringer’s clinical and research interests include acute kidney injury following cardiac surgery, neurodevelopmental outcomes in children following cardiac surgery and optimizing postoperative pain and sedation management.

Heather Sun, M.D.

Dr. Sun’s clinical and research interests include improved prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal congenital heart disease and non-traditional methods of functional cardiac assessment.

Gabrielle Vaughn, M.D.

Dr. Vaughn’s clinical and research interests include the diagnosis and management of pediatric heart failure, mechanical circulatory support and heart transplantation.

David Werho, M.D. 

Dr. Werho’s research interests include studying cardiac intensive care unit outcomes, including duration of ventilation and ECMO complications, to help improve the outcomes of future patients with critical heart disease. He also performs medical education research to contribute to the training and education of future cardiologists and intensivists.

Matthew Williams, M.D.

Dr. Williams has clinical and research interests related to the diagnosis and management of cardiac rhythm disturbances from fetal to adult life, including non-invasive and invasive monitoring and diagnostic techniques, antiarrhythmic medications, catheter-based therapies for arrhythmias, heritable arrhythmia syndromes, rhythm disturbances associated with congenital heart disease and pacemaker and ICD implantation and programming.

Cardiovascular Surgery

John Nigro, M.D.

Dr. Nigro’s research interests include outcome analysis, especially for patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, cerebral blood flow and 3-D simulation and imaging.

Kawasaki Disease

Jane Burns, M.D.

Internationally known for her research on Kawasaki disease, Dr. Burns’ passion for studying KD has spanned almost three decades, with her first publication in 1982.

Adriana Tremoulet, M.D.

Dr. Tremoulet’s research interests encompasses all aspects of Kawasaki disease.