Our craniofacial services team treats a full range of craniofacial conditions and disorders, including:
- Amniotic bands, upper and lower extremities
- Apert Syndrome
- Arthrogyposis
- Benign tumors
- Birthmarks (Skin nevi)
- Brachial plexus birth injury, traumatic brachial plexus injury
- Breast disorders
- Burns
- Cerebral palsy
- Cleft lip and palate
- Complex wounds
- Congenital hand differences
- Craniosynostosis
- Crouzon Syndrome
- Digital nerve injuries
- Dog bites
- Ear deformities
- Ear Molding and EarWell Therapy
- Encephaloceles
- Facial injuries and trauma
- Facial nerve disorders
- Frontonasal dysplasia and hypertelorbitism
- Hand and upper extremity differences
- Hemifacial microsomia
- Hemiplegia / tetraplegia (specifically for upper extremity concerns)
- Lower extremity reconstruction
- Lumps & bumps
- Macrodactyly (big fingers)
- Malignant tumors
- Missing bones, hand wrist or forearm (radial longitudinal deficiency, ulnar longitudinal deficiency, other)
- Missing fingers
- Multiple hereditary exostosis
- Neuroma pain
- Nose deformities
- Parry-Romberg syndrome
- Pierre Robin syndrome
- Polydactyly, hands or feet (any, simple and complex, including bone involvement)
- Positional head deformities
- Radioulnar synostosis
- Scar revisions
- Short fingers
- Sleep apnea and compromised airway
- Spasticity / upper extremity contractures NOS
- Syndactyly, hands or feet (any, simple and complex incl. bone involvement)
- Treacher Collins and Nager syndromes
- Trigger thumbs and trigger fingers
- Upper and lower extremity nerve injury or compression syndromes
- Upper extremity traumatic injuries
- Vascular lesions/malformations