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Maintenance of Certification Center (MOC)

Welcome to Rady Children’s Maintenance of Certification Center

What Are You Interested In?

ABP MOC Part 2
ABP MOC Part 4
How to Set Up a CloudCME Account

STAY TUNED: MOC Part 2 Credit for Eligible Boards via Case Conference

Eligible boards:

  1. Anesthesia
  2. Orthopedic Surgery
  3. Otolaryngology
  4. Pathology
  5. Pediatrics
  6. Surgery
  7. Thoracic Surgery
  8. Internal Medicine

How to Submit for Free Credit for ABP MOC Part 2

New Opportunities for MOC Part 2 Credit:

Pediatric Grand Rounds Series

How to Qualify:

Create a CloudCME account and ensure you include the following information. Alternatively, if you already have an account, please verify that the ABP data is included.

  1. Name of the board as well as your board ID (Example – ABP, ABP ID)
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Indicate that you will be claiming MOC (Maintenance of Certification) credits

Attend or view qualifying lectures within 2 weeks of the live event and claim your attendance credit within the timeframe

  • We will begin attendance with the Summer Grand Rounds in July 2024

Answer the annual questionnaire during the eligible period (2 weeks in November)

  • Will be offered for the first time in November 2024.

Eligible sessions will be marked on the Pediatric Grand Rounds and Herbert Kimmons Grand Rounds schedule. Self-assessment will occur Nov. 2024. Stay tuned for more information.

How to Submit for Free Credit for ABP MOC Part 4

Create a CloudCME account and ensure you include the following information. Alternatively, if you already have an account, please verify that the ABP data is included.

  1. Name of the board as well as your board ID (Example – ABP, ABP ID)
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Indicate that you will be claiming MOC (Maintenance of Certification) credits

Submitting for Credit

In general, you will receive 25 MOC Part 4 credits for each project submitted, once approved.

There are two types of projects that will be considered for credit:

1) Small Group QI projects involving up to 10 clinicians. Click here for the application checklist, submission form, and physician attestation form.

2) Multiple-year QI projects. Click here for the application checklist.

We highly recommend that you review these requirements BEFORE embarking on your project so that you can make sure that all requirements are met for approval. We also recommend that you initiate your project at least ONE year prior to planned submission for your credit.

Remember that you will require a total of at least 50 MOC Part 4 credit points to maintain your certification every five years – which means at least TWO QI projects every five years. Please plan accordingly.

The current deadlines for MOC credits are mid-December. In order to have enough time for review for approval, we ask that you submit your necessary documentation by November 29 of the calendar year in which you are seeking approval. NO EXCEPTIONS.

As always, please check your own ABP portfolio for your own specific requirements.

Create a CloudCME Account

Download our helpful guide below for creating your CloudCME Account

Create Account Guide