Important Update Regarding Immigration Enforcement Executive Orders | Actualización Importante sobre las Órdenes Ejecutivas de Aplicación de Inmigración — Read More


Upcoming Events

7th Interprofessional Innovations Symposium: Transforming Healthcare

Our Doctors

A time to share and learn about interprofessional work in Quality Improvement (QI). Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Education, and Research. The symposium includes a Keynote Speaker, Overview of EBP/QI/Research, Poster Presentations, and an Awards Ceremony.

“Human Factors: Empathy Science”

James Won, PhD

Human Factors Program Manager

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Thursday, November 7th

8:00 AM-12:00 PM via Zoom

Register Here


CEs: Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego Continuing Education Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, BRN Provider #00111 for four (4.0) contact hours.

ABP MOC IV credit will be awarded to qualified abstracts.


Past CME Presentations

Past presentations are located under this Event page. In your browser, use the left sidebar to navigate or select the dropdown menu from above on mobile.